Our first chapter college scholarship was established to honor the memory of one of our founding Directors- Erling Speer. The scholarship has been generously funded to honor Erling by the The Andrew and Robin Hunt Philanthropic Fund.
Erling was an instrumental chapter Director and helped launch the Treasure Coast chapter in 2012. His relationships with other youth serving organizations, especially the Boys and Girls Clubs, were key factors in our chapter’s early growth and today’s continued success. His devotion and passion since his retirement has been focused on the Boy’s and Girl’s Clubs of Martin County and our chapter of First Tee. His enthusiasm and commitment to their success has been instrumental in the lives of many young children. Erling also helped introduce our chapter to local country clubs to host our students and their members to volunteer and help with financial support.
Erling attended Washington & Lee University and graduated from the University of South Carolina with a degree in business. In the late 1970’s he began his journey as a pioneer of residential golf course communities in Stuart, FL. Both Mariner Sands and Willoughby Golf Club are recognized as two of the finest communities in the area. Erling returned to his Georgian roots when he accepted the Callaway family’s offer to assist Cousin’s Property in adding a residential component to the Gardens. He was a true visionary and started the Economical Council of Martin County. He was actively involved with the Young President’s Organization, Urban Land Institute, Outward Bound and numerous other civic organizations.
Erling, a true Southern gentleman, will be remembered as an entertaining storyteller and, very literally, the nicest person you could ever meet. He was loved and respected by all who knew him.
Annery Abreu
Chowan University – Current
Trevor Tarashuk
Florida Gulf Coast University – Current