Veteran Spotlight – Scott Siegel

Scott Siegel is 64 years old and formerly served in the Air Force. He has been playing golf for 2 years but used to play weekly when he was younger. He has been a participant in our 8-week programs for about 2 years. “I was reintroduced to golf while at the Blind Rehab Center at the West Palm Beach VA. I lost 90% of my eyesight 12 years ago due to Diabetes and Glaucoma. I never thought golf would be a part of my life again,” said Scott. “I was told about the program here in Broward County and signed up as soon as I could. The coaches gave me clubs that were better than the ones I used when I played regularly. I have made friends with the other veterans who are in the sessions. The coaches are great and always teach techniques to improve our game. If you are having a problem, they are willing to give you the extra attention to help make your game better and be more enjoyable. Thank you First Tee for being there to help us.”