The annual First Tee Leadership Series in partnership with PGA TOUR Superstore concluded last month at the Palm Beach Gardens store. 10 students from our chapter participated. 

The program is an interactive five-week series designed to provide teens the opportunity to discover their personal values and emerging leadership strengths. Through the series, teens also begin to explore potential career fields based on those findings and frame out multi-year goals to guide them as they navigate future career opportunities. 

The Leadership Series – which was co-created between First Tee and PGA TOUR Superstore – is being hosted in communities across the country where there is a store and a First Tee chapter. PGA TOUR Superstore general managers will facilitate the interactive sessions either virtually or in stores. 

Once the participants complete the series, they will be eligible to apply for the First Tee Leadership Summit in partnership with PGA TOUR Superstore. The Summit will be held this summer at PGA TOUR Superstore Chairman Arthur M. Blank’s West Creek Ranch in Montana. Forty teens will be selected for the Summit where they will take part in interactive workshops and outdoor leadership trainings.