Our Chapter of First Tee falls under the umbrella of First Tee – Florida Gold Coast (FGC), one of the largest First Tee organizations in the country serving Broward, Palm Beach, Martin and St. Lucie Counties. FGC is governed by a Board of Directors comprised of representatives from the Broward, Palm Beaches and Treasure Coast chapters. Dan Young, President of the Broward Chapter accepted the role of FGC Chairman at the Board of Directors’ Annual Meeting in December.

“During his tenure as the Broward chapter President, Dan has elevated all aspects of our goals and successes,” said Chapter Executive Director Carl Mistretta. “I have learned a great deal from him personally. As our new FGC Chairman he has accepted the role of serving the entire organization and our thousands of children and veteran students in South Florida.”

Dan is the CEO at Young Consulting Group. Their services include Outsourced Accounting, CFO Services and Consulting for owners of privately held companies. Dan also serves as COO at Stellar Public Adjusting Services. They advocate on behalf of home and business owners to ensure they receive everything they are entitled to under their policy.

Dan is active in community service, where he serves on the board of several organizations, including First Tee – Florida Gold Coast, First Tee – Broward, Lutheran Services Florida, Tower Club Fort Lauderdale, HANDY, the Legends at Weston Hills Condominium Association, and Weston Hills Country Club.

He holds a B.S. in Industrial Engineering from the University of Miami, a Masters in Accounting and an MBA from Nova Southeastern University. Dan has been a resident of the Fort Lauderdale area since 1998 where he presently lives with his wife Nayibe. He is committed to lifelong learning and is passionate about living a healthy lifestyle through exercise and golf.