Hannah is 12 years old and a straight A student. She participates in the First Tee Life Skills Experience at The Bridges at Springtree.
“I have had a very positive experience with First Tee over the past 10 months.” Hannah commented. “I have worked with Coach Sue, Coach Stefan, and Coach Ron and they have all been first class coaches who constantly display a positive attitude. I have advanced through the 9-week program three times starting with Player, and I am currently at the PAR level. In this program, I have acquired skills to develop as a golfer but more importantly I have translated these skills into my everyday life. When we do the activities, it is entertaining but also educational about the golf topic we are learning. All the kids have an equal chance of winning a game because it is set up fairly, regardless of your skill level. I am very excited to be part of First Tee and I look forward to the opportunities this program will provide me as I approach high school and beyond.”